“But has anybody else noticed how much he’s begun to sound like late-career Dean Martin, addressing rallies and sit-downs with that low-register, 4 AM at the Copa slur? At the debate, the ex-prez was so logy I half expected the ghost of Sammy Davis Jr. to scamper out and hop in his arms.”

This is a very dialed-in observation. Trump’s free association is much more in the lineage of the late night lounge act than, say, talk radio. (On a different note, I still think about your Moth story from time to time.)

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Little Poop Coffins was the name of my psychobilly band in high school

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Ha - That is one of the funniest things I have ever heard.

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A glorious history in one fell swoop! Better living through chemistry on full display. Good work Jerry.

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Thanks for the kind words, David.

Part One of my ongoing series—

Fascists At Play.

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Great read, and very narco informative! Glad to see you posted again! I thought I chased you off the platform with my own amateurish prose!

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Hey man, everybody’s half a fucking amateur.

That’s what Substack is, right?

A Pro-Am Tournament of Prose.

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Well compared to your stuff, mine is way more Am ..

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Got Norman's book as well.

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Cool. I think you’ll dig it.

Really loving Earthquake Weather.

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Brilliant. Raoul Duke couldn’t have said it any better himself.

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Jeez, man. That’s high praise - thank you!

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