“Art Or Arse?” By Wild Billy Childish and His Famous Headcoats


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Wonderful. Thanks for doing this. I love hard edged , passive aggressive literature.

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Thanks for the note.

“Hard edged, passive aggressive literature” - Damn!

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I’m archiving this one to do a little analysis later. Skimming it now, it feels like a less genteel descendant of the long investigation Thurber did on radio soap operas.

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Did not know about Thurber’s piece. Will have to track that down. Thank you.

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It’s a series of pieces, collectively called Soapland, that you can find in an out of print collection called The Beast In Me And Other Animals. Presumably it’s in the New Yorker online archive also. He spent a year on it; I’m not aware of him having done anything comparable to this work of journalism. I read about it somewhere, and it’s definitely worth looking for.

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Thanks again for the Thurber tip.

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An excellent article

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