
Always weird to think what those who spawned you would think of where you ended up in. My gut is, it’s probably better they didn’t have to see it….

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You are truly the greatest living writer for my money. Your work leaves me UNspired. Like, how can I do that?

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Thanks so much, man.

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You covered all the bases and the foul balls are bouncing around in my head. Thinking of your father, I wonder what he would have thought of your books, maybe...where did this spawn come from? And your mother too, would she "relate"?

I ask myself these questions of my own long deceased parents. What would they think of my writing, the story about talking Nietzche while masturbating in a peep show booth with your moonlighting classmate from Columbia. Or that year in prison or hours clocked in a methadone waiting room? You have varied your resume, we see. Yes, mom, we'll it's not what it looks like...

Fantastic piece Jerry, I'll never eat another tart again. Take a bow.

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Don’t know your folks / but maybe they would have been proud! Not every parent can say they spawned a Nietzsche peep show wanker… I bet they’d be bustin’ their buttons!

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Do you think your father would have enjoyed your writing? When we think of our parents, both of ours long gone, before the Internet, before cell phones (lucky them), I think we can only take a wild guess at what they would think of us today.

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