As if the Law would stop people from diddling their Guernseys. I grew up in North Texas in the 1980s. I’ve seen things that would have scared the shit out of Wilbur Whateley. (Specifically, I had to grow up in a hellpit called Lewisville, northwest of Dallas. I used to tell a joke about the Lewisville Erotic Film Festival, consisting of 87 back-to-back showings of “Deliverance,” until a former high school classmate asked me “…so? What’s the problem?”)

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Meant no disrespect to Guernseys - but love the Wilbur Whateley reference. When you write your memoir, I hope you open with the Deliverance joke. That made me laugh out loud.… Thanks for taking the time to read - and comment on - this weirdness. Sometimes, when Civilization hits a high point, you just have to acknowledge it!

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Thank you. Coming from you, this means more than you know.

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A great way to start the day! Thanks Jerry, I'll carry this with me all day. Poor dogs.

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Appreciate your note. No animals were harmed in the writing of this post.

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